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Novutech and Oracle training programs

Novutech and Oracle training programs Background This article outlines the valuable partnership that exists between Novutech and Oracle, and the opportunities for Alliance Partner members to undertake training programs offered by Oracle. I also describe how Novutech uses this alliance to invest in their employees by ensuring all members grow with the company to better … Continued

ERP Implementation Methodology by Novutech

A decisive strategic decision Implementing a new ERP is an important decision that will have a huge impact on your organisation in the long term. Whether you make that strategic decision to stimulate the growth of your business and introduce more structure into your processes or to support your already scaling company, you want to … Continued

NetSuite Certification & Training Programs at Novutech – Benefits for NetSuite customers

Novutech provides a wide range of training sessions adapted to each position level. The provided learning paths cover several areas and includes Products training, Technical training, Industry training and Skills training. These enable each consultant to develop its skills and technical knowledge that will help him to grow professionally, add value to our company and … Continued

Novutech adopts the OKR Methodology!

The challenge of sustaining growth As a fast-developing and ambitious company, we are always looking for new ways of improving and growing as a business, as a team, and as individuals. We have been facing an exponential growth in the last couple of years, rapidly reaching 18 employees, supporting more than 30 customers across Europe, … Continued

Novutech s’implante en France et devient Solution Provider NetSuite!

Après avoir soufflé notre deuxième bougie d’anniversaire, il est temps pour nous de se lancer vers une nouvelle aventure.  Novutech s’implante en France et plus exactement à Lyon.  Pourquoi Lyon ?  Lyon est la 3e plus grande ville de France et dispose d’un attrait économique important. De plus, sa situation géographique propose une offre intéressante de … Continued

Time to reflect! Novutech and the COVID-19

One year… It has been one year already since our lives have been dramatically impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. After more than a year since the first lockdown in Belgium and now that we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, we believe it was the right time for Novutech to … Continued

Novutech est certifié Chèque-Entreprises!

Novutech est reconnu comme prestataire officiel de la Région Wallonne dans le cadre des Chèques Entreprises, et plus précisément dans toutes les matières qui traitent du numérique. Grâce à cela et via son organisme Digital Wallonia, la Région octroie des chèques entreprises aux PME Wallonnes qui utilisent des prestataires labellisés, permettant ainsi une participation jusqu’à … Continued