Meet Martin - From intern to employee

October 13, 2022

Meet the Team


My internship at Novutech


Last January, I had the opportunity to join Novutech as a Business Analyst intern. A new and exciting adventure for me that ended last April. But it wasn’t the end of my journey as a Novutechos. I joined the team back in September, this time as a full-time Business Analyst. In this article, I will explain to you my journey at Novutech and why I wanted to come back to this company, to this team.

My internship

It all started on January 31st. It was the first day of my Master’s internship, and I was excited but also a bit anxious. But this anxiety didn't last for long. From the start, everyone welcomed me as a member of the team and helped me feel comfortable. I found a place where I could work and learn to improve myself everyday.I worked on multiple projects early in my internship, which allowed me to display but also improve my skills. People at Novutech really trusted me to make an impact even if I was still an intern. I had the chance to be responsible for my own projects and to work autonomously on them, which allowed me to grow as a person and as a worker, scheduling the tasks on my own and delivering quality results on time. I also realised during these different projects that Novutech offered me a challenging work environment. Indeed, I discovered that working in the ERP sector means I have to carry out projects for multiple customers in various sectors, which allowed me to work on various aspects of a company’s daily operations. This creates a stimulating work environment where you never stop learning.Despite all that, it can happen to feel a little lost, and it is normal as an intern. That is why each intern and each new joiner has a buddy. My buddy was my reference, the person I could contact when I had a question or if I encountered a problem. Weekly meetings were planned with him to discuss my work, how I was feeling, points of improvement, … but I could contact him at any time.At the end of my internship, I realised that I found a great place to work. I had wonderful colleagues, a challenging and stimulating work environment, autonomy and responsibilities. Of course I wanted to continue the adventure!

From intern to employee

A little over a month ago, I came back to Novutech, this time as a Business Analyst. Thanks to my internship, I was ready to work on customer projects from day one. As I was already autonomous and responsible for my work during my internship, the transition is very smooth. I still have a lot to learn, but I feel comfortable working in this environment. The pathway from intern to employee here at Novutech is a great one, allowing a more comfortable adaptation when leaving university for the working world. Being able to start your first job knowing the people you will be working with and the work you will perform is a great luxury to have!


To summarise, Novutech offers a great pathway from intern to employee. As an intern, I had the autonomy and the responsibilities to grow within a challenging working environment. I also had the time to learn and a great buddy to help me on all aspects of my life as a Novutechos. Therefore, as an employee, I came in a more comfortable way with a smoother adaptation.

In short

  • As an intern, I had the opportunity to grow with autonomy and responsibilities, with help from my buddy
  • This pathway allows a smooth transition from intern to employee
  • Join us!

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