How to build a great onboarding process for new employees?

September 28, 2022

Novutech culture


The onboarding @Novutech

At Novutech, our common mission is to help our customers leverage their business processes to sustain their growth thanks to NetSuite, a flexible, scalable and robust cloud ERP.To achieve this mission, we keep on welcoming new Novutechos, would they be functional consultants, developers or project managers. Today, we are more than 25 Novutechos, all driven by the same passion: to make our customers and users' lives easier. We strive to deliver professionalism and excellence in an organization where everyone is respected and can express its unique skills.Building a strong and efficient team is the key to our success and is a continuous journey that starts during the first days of our new joiners.At Novutech, we have put in place an onboarding program to welcome our new recruits and establish the foundation of a positive and long-term relationship with our organization.We want to make sure that, from the very beginning of their career at Novutech, every single talent is motivated and feels involved in the development of the company.What better feeling for a new joiner than having an incredible experience during his first days that made him think “Yes! I totally made the right decision by joining Novutech and this is going to be so amazing!”Effective onboarding is more important than ever!At Novutech, we are convinced that the successful onboarding of each new joiner is the basis for increasing our team’s cohesion and our customers’ satisfaction, thereby also benefiting Novutech’s business.

The Onboarding program at Novutech

Pre-Onboarding - Preparation for onboarding:The onboarding of new Novutechos starts weeks before their arrival. It is one of the key elements for a successful integration. Indeed, one week before the arrival of a new joiner, we inform the team about the new joiner, his roles and responsibilities. Our onboarding approach aims at better preparing the new joiner for a smoother jump into our world, team and company. It consists of the following: First of all, a buddy is assigned to each new joiner. The role of the buddy fulfills some aspects of the onboarding process: deliver organizational knowledge, welcome and integrate new joiners into the company’s culture, provide guidance & assistance for any inquiry type during the new joiner’s first months.Secondly, every team member will have the opportunity to book a 1-to-1 meeting with the new joiner in the course of his first week. The goal is to present one topic around what we do at Novutech to introduce the company and to get to know each other.Orientation - New Employee WelcomeWe pay particular attention to the first day which might be stressful and a bit overwhelming for the new joiner.For this first day we provide a special welcome and take the time needed to successfully integrate our new talent. For example, by sharing breakfast or organizing a lunch with all the team to celebrate our new joiner’s arrival.One of the co-founders of Novutech will invest time to immerse the new employee into our culture. He will present the company (customers, structure, team,..), its vision, mission and values.Afterwards, the new employee will meet his buddy and receive his IT devices and material but also some nice goodies.The idea is that, at the end of this first day, the new Novutechos should be able to understand the way of working of the company.1st Week - Introduction to company, people & roleThe first week is a crucial time to help our new joiner make his start as an employee. This is where we empower our new employee with the ability to think independently and offer the best way to make decisions autonomously. At Novutech, when an employee first starts, their direct manager will organize a meeting to define the roadmap for the next few weeks. This gives the employee a clear idea of their objectives and what we are expecting from him.3rd Month - Training & FeedbackThis process can overload a new employee with information that’s why we therefore decided to divide this process into different sessions:

  • HR Overview
  • Company update
  • Knowledge & Expertise (Netsuite Knowledge, Business Processes, Industry knowledge, Accounting & Finance,..)
  • Consulting training (Communication & Presentation, Productivity, Time Management, It & Tools,..
  • Leadership training (Project Management, Customer Management,..)

We want to provide our employees with the fundamental skills required for their roles and support their continuous learning.To that end, we have created an academy to upskill our people, through modules that include functional and technical training, certifications, mentoring, coaching programs and more.Finally, a daily review can be organized with the buddy to verify that the training is going at the right pace, to answer any training/HR-related questions or any other requests and to fine-tune the use of the tools.6th Month - Check-in & FeedbackThis is a great time to look back and assess the performance of the Novutechos as well as to look to the future and discuss the new objectives and expectations.ConclusionWhen the integration is well done, it builds the foundation for both the employee and the employer’s long-term success. It can improve productivity, strengthen loyalty and commitment, and help employees succeed early in their careers at Novutech.

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